Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Kolara module C
úroveň stredný
Are you looking for the system that use exercises to help your patient? Do you need system that provides exercises for orthopedic, neurological or athletes ? We have something for you!
O školení

Course Objectives
Introduce advanced assessment methods – the integrated stabilizing system, locomotor stereotypes, respiratory stereotype
•Describe the kinesiology of muscle chains involved in locomotion: stepping forward and supporting function
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of the pelvic girdle and hip joint: phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects, anatomical parameters from developmental perspective, the most common pathological conditions – femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, arthritis, DNS assessment and treatment procedures
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of the shoulder girdle: phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects, anatomical parameters from developmental perspective, DNS assessment and treatment in shoulder girdle disorders - hemiplegic shoulder, frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome, SLAP lesion
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of scoliosis: definition and classification, ontogenetic aspects leading to scoliotic development, risk factors, spine control in motor development, assessment of infants and adults with scoliosis and body asymmetry, bracing and DNS treatment positions and strategies
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of pelvic floor issues and women’s health: pelvic floor muscle function from developmental perspective; associated kinesiology between diaphragm and pelvic floor; typical postural disturbances, functional trigger point chains, joint dysfunction and hypersensitive zones in gynaecological diagnoses; DNS assessment and rehabilitation for stress incontinence, anorectal dysfunction, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, functional sterility, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain syndromes, vertebral-visceral relationships; rehabilitation for pregnant females
•Cover general DNS self-treatment advanced techniques
•Provide more complex clinical management explanation for clinicians to better integrate more advanced DNS protocols into regular practice.
•Establish individual goals (DNS understanding & skills) for students to be optimally prepared for the next level of training (Course “D” in Prague)
A Certificate of ATTENDANCE will be awarded by local instructor
Participants who would like
to participate in the educational track towards becoming a certified
practitioner can take this exam for an additional fee of 120 Euros.
The test will consist of an
analysis of adult patients. A link to view the videos will be sent to
participant for analysis. Participants are required to return the test
to the DNS instructor within a month after the course. Upon successful
completion and passing of the test, a Certificate of ACHIEVEMENT from Prague School of Rehabilitation will be awarded.
May only re-take the test 3 times.
Otherwise, the clinician would be required to repeat one or more courses, before re-qualifying for certification testing.
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- Module C
Module C
Introduce advanced assessment methods – the integrated stabilizing system, locomotor stereotypes, respiratory stereotype
•Describe the kinesiology of muscle chains involved in locomotion: stepping forward and supporting function
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of the pelvic girdle and hip joint: phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects, anatomical parameters from developmental perspective, the most common pathological conditions – femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, arthritis, DNS assessment and treatment procedures
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of the shoulder girdle: phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects, anatomical parameters from developmental perspective, DNS assessment and treatment in shoulder girdle disorders - hemiplegic shoulder, frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome, SLAP lesion
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of scoliosis: definition and classification, ontogenetic aspects leading to scoliotic development, risk factors, spine control in motor development, assessment of infants and adults with scoliosis and body asymmetry, bracing and DNS treatment positions and strategies
•Discuss and workshop assessment and treatment of pelvic floor issues and women’s health: pelvic floor muscle function from developmental perspective; associated kinesiology between diaphragm and pelvic floor; typical postural disturbances, functional trigger point chains, joint dysfunction and hypersensitive zones in gynaecological diagnoses; DNS assessment and rehabilitation for stress incontinence, anorectal dysfunction, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, functional sterility, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain syndromes, vertebral-visceral relationships; rehabilitation for pregnant females
•Cover general DNS self-treatment advanced techniques
•Provide more complex clinical management explanation for clinicians to better integrate more advanced DNS protocols into regular practice.
•Establish individual goals (DNS understanding & skills) for students to be optimally prepared for the next level of training (Course “D” in Prague)
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Vydanie 3
Platba zálohy | 200 EUR | |
Module C 25.04.2025 – 27.04.2025 (Petra Valouchova) | 335 EUR | Umiestnenia |
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Zaregistrujte sa teraz a získate prístup k tréningovým materiálom!
1) správcem Vašich osobních údajů je společnost SYNTONIC Dawid Kasolik ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19, 32-650 Kęty. NIP: 549-236-83-97
2) Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány za účelem navázání kontaktu na základě: Čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. f obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů ze dne 27. dubna 2016 (RODO) jako oprávněného zájmu správce
3) příjemci Vašich osobních údajů budou výhradně subjekty oprávněné získat osobní údaje pouze dle platných právních předpisů a také subjekty zabývající se zpracováním údajů
4) Vaše osobní údaje budou uchovávány po dobu 3 let
5) máte právo požadovat od správce osobních údajů přístup ke svým údajům, tyto údaje zneplatnit, odstranit nebo omezit rozsah jejich zpracovávání, jakož i právo na převod těchto údajů
6) máte právo podat stížnost dozorčímu orgánu
7) poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, avšak odmítnutí tyto údaje poskytnout může být důvodem pro odmítnutí přijmout přihlášku