Fascial Manipulation in Internal Dysfunctions
úroveň pokročilý
The Fascial Manipulation course program consists of three level intensive hands-on courses, combining theoretical lectures, demonstrations, and practice between participants throughout each course day. In the FM-3 Level 3 Fascial Manipulation course, participants expand on their understanding of the internistic dysfunctions and alteration of the superficial fascia.
O školení
The Fascial
Manipulation course program consists of three level intensive hands-on
courses, combining theoretical lectures, demonstrations, and practice
between participants throughout each course day.
the FM-3 Level 3 Fascial Manipulation course, participants expand on
their understanding of the internistic dysfunctions and alteration of
the superficial fascia.
Course FM-3a will focus in the Tensile structure, Apparatus-fascial sequences and catenaries.
Course FM-3b will introduce the Quadrants and the Systems.
FM-3a will focus in the Tensile structure, Apparatus-fascial sequences
and catenaries Tensile structures extend over body cavities guaranteeing
the patency of their internal space, which allows both motility and
mobility of the organs contained within. At the same time, tensile
structures must allow adaptation to external stress and to the motor
needs of the musculoskeletal system. A can alter due to densification of
the external fasciae, due to a problem within the musculoskeletal
system, or due to an internal organ dysfunction that reflects its
tension onto the container (wall of abdominal canister) via its fasciae.
Organ dysfunction manifests with pain and symptoms that are often
generic but they can be located within the body segment that contains
the organ.
Course FM-3b will introduce the Quadrants and the Systems.
divisions of the superficial fascia form a quadrant. These divisions,
both in horizontal and longitudinal directions, are due to thickenings
of the retinacula cutis that cause adhesion to the deep fascia. The area
of a quadrant usually corresponds to the distribution of the cutaneous
nerves and the angiosomes. Within each quadrant, there are the three
superficial components of the three internal systems: receptors,
lymphatic vessels and adipose cells
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- Module 3ahttps://www.syntonic.pl/dashboard/modules/new/15#polish
- Module 3b
Module 3ahttps://www.syntonic.pl/dashboard/modules/new/15#polish
Course FM-3a will focus in the Tensile structure, Apparatus-fascial sequences and catenaries Tensile structures extend over body cavities guaranteeing the patency of their internal space, which allows both motility and mobility of the organs contained within. At the same time, tensile structures must allow adaptation to external stress and to the motor needs of the musculoskeletal system. A can alter due to densification of the external fasciae, due to a problem within the musculoskeletal system, or due to an internal organ dysfunction that reflects its tension onto the container (wall of abdominal canister) via its fasciae. Organ dysfunction manifests with pain and symptoms that are often generic but they can be located within the body segment that contains the organ.
Module 3b
Course FM-3b will introduce the Quadrants and the Systems.
Anatomical divisions of the superficial fascia form a quadrant. These divisions, both in horizontal and longitudinal directions, are due to thickenings of the retinacula cutis that cause adhesion to the deep fascia. The area of a quadrant usually corresponds to the distribution of the cutaneous nerves and the angiosomes. Within each quadrant, there are the three superficial components of the three internal systems: receptors, lymphatic vessels and adipose cells
Miesto kurzu
Aplend Resort
Tatranská 4
059 91 Velky Slavkov
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Aplend Resort
Tatranská 4
059 91 Velky Slavkov
Dodatočné informácie:
Vydanie 4
Platba zálohy | 200 EUR | |
Module 3ahttps://www.syntonic.pl/dashboard/modules/new/15#polish 17.07.2024 – 21.07.2024 (Cultrera Pina, Freschi Lorenzo) | 800 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Module 3b 22.01.2025 – 26.01.2025 (Cultrera Pina, Freschi Lorenzo) | 790 EUR | Umiestnenia |
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1) správcem Vašich osobních údajů je společnost SYNTONIC Dawid Kasolik ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19, 32-650 Kęty. NIP: 549-236-83-97
2) Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány za účelem navázání kontaktu na základě: Čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. f obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů ze dne 27. dubna 2016 (RODO) jako oprávněného zájmu správce
3) příjemci Vašich osobních údajů budou výhradně subjekty oprávněné získat osobní údaje pouze dle platných právních předpisů a také subjekty zabývající se zpracováním údajů
4) Vaše osobní údaje budou uchovávány po dobu 3 let
5) máte právo požadovat od správce osobních údajů přístup ke svým údajům, tyto údaje zneplatnit, odstranit nebo omezit rozsah jejich zpracovávání, jakož i právo na převod těchto údajů
6) máte právo podat stížnost dozorčímu orgánu
7) poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, avšak odmítnutí tyto údaje poskytnout může být důvodem pro odmítnutí přijmout přihlášku