II edition
úroveň primárny
Although neuroanatomy and neurology form a substantial part of the chiropractic undergraduate curriculum, very few chiropractors use this knowledge in the day-to-day treatment of their patients; it tends to be used solely to rule out gross neurological pathology. The aim of NeuroSeminars is to introduce more chiropractors and other practitioners of manual therapy, such as osteopaths and physiotherapists, to the practical aspects of functional neurology.
O školení

Welcome to NeuroSeminars
Neurology has been at the heart of the Chiropractic profession since its very beginning. But it is only in recent years that advances in clinical neuroscience have allowed us to truly understand how our treatment affects the nervous system; and how this effect allows us to restore and preserve good structure and function within the musculoskeletal system. Although neuroanatomy and neurology form a substantial part of the chiropractic undergraduate curriculum, very few chiropractors use this knowledge in the day-to-day treatment of their patients; it tends to be used solely to rule out gross neurological pathology. The aim of NeuroSeminars is to introduce more chiropractors and other practitioners of manual therapy, such as osteopaths and physiotherapists, to the practical aspects of functional neurology.
Chiropractors excel in their ability to detect subtle differences in musculoskeletal structure and function, for example through muscle testing, feeling for joint restrictions and checking for leg length discrepancies. Our seminars will teach you how to transfer these same skills to neurological testing. Functional imbalances within the brain frequently cause or contribute to patients' presenting complaints. For example they can cause:
- Muscle imbalances and muscle weakness patterns. Cerebellar dysfunction, for instance, can produce spinal intrinsic muscle weakness and spinal instability that does not respond well to segmental adjusting alone. Having the ability to detect and treat the underlying cause of your patient's problems will help you to prevent recurrences.
- Altered angulations of peripheral joints. This predisposes to peripheral entrapment neuropathies and conditions such as impingement syndrome, tennis elbow, IT-band syndrome, plantar fasciitis etc.
- Autonomic dysregulation, such as increased blood pressure, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, reduced oxygen perfusion and other symptoms associated with increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Increased sympathetic activity is associated with increased sensitisation to pain and chronic pain states. This, coupled with reduced oxygen perfusion, hinders recovery from injury and predisposes to long-term pain and disability.
- Reduced joint position sense. This will increase the likelihood of injury and impair healing after injury.
- Developmental delay syndromes, such as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.
You will learn how to address functional imbalances within the brain using your existing techniques; but you will also be shown new treatment interventions, such as fast-stretch adjusting, coupled-motion adjusting, vestibular stimulation, as well as various physical and mental exercises which are designed to activate different regions of the brain. Our seminars will provide you with a better understanding of the deeper causes of pain and dysfunction, allowing you to tailor your treatment more closely to the individual patient.
You will gain a better appreciation of how what you do works (or in some instances doesn't work), and on a broader scale why chiropractic and manual therapy in general are so successful for the majority of patients.
Functional neurological testing skills will help you in your assessment of new patients; but they are also an invaluable quick and simple means of pre- and post-testing to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of your treatments - patients like it a lot when they swayed on Romberg's before treatment, but stood perfectly still after.
All seminars will be interactive with numerous
practical sessions throughout the day to develop your newly learnt
clinical skills. Delegate numbers are limited to ensure that each
individual receives sufficient attention during the practicals.
Practitioners and students of all regulated manual therapy disciplines
are welcome.
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Viac informácií nájdete v zdieľaných materiáloch po registrácii na tréning!
- Module 1 - 4 days
- Module 2 - 4 days
- Module 3 - 4 days
Module 1 - 4 days
• Overstimulation of the nervous system through manual therapy, adverse treatment responses and how to avoid these.
• Segmental and central neurological effects of spinal manipulation, mobilisation and soft tissue / myofascial therapies.
• Brainstem and cerebellar influences on muscle tone and postural control.
• Addressing muscle tone imbalances through spinal reflex mechanisms.
• Spinal reflexes and their effects on muscle tone.
• Proprioceptive mechanoreceptors: their properties, how to activate them and how to optimise their function.
• Why mechanoreceptor-based afferent stimulation is so important for the health of the nervous system, for movement coordination and appropriate activation of postural and stabilising muscles.
• Activation of the nervous system through manual therapy:
• Cerebellum: its function in motor control, motor adaptation, postural stabilisation and injury prevention. Cerebellar testing & rehab.
• Examination of the brainstem
• Cranial nerves and their correlation to functional impairments in the brainstem; and how to examine for these deficits.
• Ocular examination – pursuits & saccades
• Cerebral cortex – parietal & frontal
• Sensory tracts
• Motor tracts
• How neurological dysfunction occurs
• Neuroanatomy
• Peripheral mobilisation of joints and (neuro)rehab protocols for common limb conditions (e.g. rotator cuff, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis etc.)
Module 2 - 4 days
· Common Non-Manual Therapy Treatments
· Influences on the NMSK System – practical applications
· MSK & Neurological Comorbidities
· Cognitive Function & Mental Health
· Manual Therapy
· Psychosocial Factors
· Examination & Diagnosis
· Anatomy & Biomechanics
Neuromusculoskeletal Approach to Temporomandibular Dysfunction
- Basic nutritional strategies
- Neuro-rehabilitation
- Manual therapy
· Treatment and prevention of migraines and other headache disorders:
· Assessment of the headache patient: determining the pro-nociceptive factors and assessing the functionality of the anti-nociceptive mechanisms.
· Migraine pathophysiology – the neurological basis for the migraine aura and subsequent headache.
· The neurological basis for cervicogenic headache and other common headache and orofacial pain disorders.
· Review of functional neuroanatomy of the trigeminal nerve.
· Peripheral nociceptive inputs that can contribute to headaches and/or orofacial pain through sensitisation of the trigeminal pain pathway.
Headaches and orofacial pain
Influence of pain on proprioceptive function and motor control
· Cerebellar and vestibular contributions to central pain modulation
· Cognitive and emotional aspects of chronic pain
· Wind-up, (mechanical) allodynia and central sensitisation
· Pain gating and descending modulation of nociceptive afferent input
· Nociceptive pathways from the periphery to the cerebral cortex
· The concept of brain-based pain
Pain and the brain
Module 3 - 4 days
Comprehensive review of the functional roles of the basal ganglia and cerebellum within the motor system.
The concept of surround inhibition for fine motor control.
Neurological wind-up as a consequence of basal ganglionic and cerebellar cortex dysfunction; how this can adversely affect patients both neurologically and in terms of their general health, how this manifests clinically, and how to manage it.
How proprioceptive deficits and central sensory processing problems interfere with proper control and coordination of movement, and how this contributes to musculoskeletal and movement disorders.
Musculoskeletal consequences, abnormal movement patterns and injury susceptibility related to basal ganglionic and cerebellar dysfunction.
How to rehabilitate fine motor control and movement timing with easy-to-prescribe no-tech exercises
Cognitive consequences of basal ganglionic and cerebellar dysfunction, and how this relates to conditions such as anxiety, OCD, depression and various childhood developmental disorders.
Treatment strategies for hyperkinetic movement disorders, including surround inhibition training, specific sensory afferentation, sensory tricks and visuo-sensory therapy.
considerations for cervical dystonia. The Parkinson's patient -
strategies to preserve their functional capacity for as long as possible.
Movement necessitates postural stabilisation. Whether a person is simply walking, working on a computer, performing household activities or participating in high-level sports, appropriate stabilisation of the moving joints and the body as a whole is required to prevent falls, injuries and loss of strength for the movement in question.This seminar will discuss dynamic postural stabilisation in detail and show you how to assess and rehabilitate it. We will also explore how to determine whether the neurological imbalances you find in a patient are likely to be significantly contributing to their musculoskeletal condition; this will help you to distinguish between the musculoskeletal patients who simply require the 'usual' chiropractic approach and those who require more specific neuro-rehabilitation
Dynamic postural stabilisation:
The relationship between postural stabilisation and musculoskeletal injury
Assessment of the systems involved and how to train them to function better - sensory, motor and central sensorimotor integration and processing
Rehabilitation of neurologically-mediated dynamic postural destabilisation
Falls in the elderly: causes, prevention and rehabilitation
How to determine whether or not the neurological imbalances you find in
a patient are contributing to their musculoskeletal problem: The concept of
neurological challenges in motor assessments.
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Vydanie 1
Platba zálohy | 200 EUR | |
Module 1 - 4 days 09.05.2025 – 12.05.2025 (Darren Barnes-Heath) | 800 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Module 2 - 4 days 17.07.2025 – 20.07.2025 (Nicole Oliver) | 800 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Module 3 - 4 days 25.09.2025 – 28.09.2025 (Nicole Oliver) | 600 EUR | Umiestnenia |
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