NeuroSeminars Pediatric
úroveň primárny
Školenie z funkčnej neurológie pre špecialistov pracujúcich s deťmi
O školení

Want to expand your skills in working with children? Our training offers:
- A deep understanding of neuroanatomy and physiology and their impact on child development.
- Practical workshops on assessing and treating neurological disorders, including sensory and motor integration.
- The latest scientific research on brain development and neurological therapy.
- After the training, you will be able to apply your new knowledge in your daily work, improving the quality of life for your clients.
Want to know more?
Click "module" to learn more about the topics covered.
The order and topics of the seminars are not accidental.
The instructor has structured the teaching materials to help you smoothly transition into the topic of functional neurology.
Therefore, we recommend that you attend the training in the order listed below.
Chcete sa dozvedieť viac?
Viac informácií nájdete v zdieľaných materiáloch po registrácii na tréning!
- Module I - 4 days
- Module II
- Module III - 4 days
Module I - 4 days
Overstimulation of the nervous
system through manual therapy, adverse treatment responses and how to avoid
• Segmental and central neurological effects of spinal manipulation, mobilisation and soft tissue / myofascial therapies.
• Brainstem and cerebellar influences on muscle tone and postural control.
• Addressing muscle tone imbalances through spinal reflex mechanisms.
• Spinal reflexes and their effects on muscle tone.
• Proprioceptive mechanoreceptors: their properties, how to activate them and how to optimise their function.
• Why mechanoreceptor-based afferent stimulation is so important for the health of the nervous system, for movement coordination and appropriate activation of postural and stabilising muscles.
• Activation of the nervous system through manual therapy:
• Cerebellum: its function in motor control, motor adaptation, postural stabilisation and injury prevention. Cerebellar testing & rehab.
• Examination of the brainstem
• Cranial nerves and their correlation to functional impairments in the brainstem; and how to examine for these deficits.
• Ocular examination – pursuits & saccades
• Cerebral cortex – parietal & frontal
• Sensory tracts
• Motor tracts
• How neurological dysfunction occurs
• Neuroanatomy
• Peripheral mobilisation of joints and (neuro)rehab protocols for common limb conditions (e.g. rotator cuff, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis etc.)
Module II
Understanding and Stimulating the Sensory Systems and Autonomic Development considering Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Attachment
• Cortical Asymmetry and functions
• Embryological Brain Development
• Primitive Reflexes – how they develop and what it means when they’re retained
• Literature review of Primitive reflexes, as an assessment and intervention
• Plantar reflex: what it stimulates what inhibits it and functional difficulties when retained
• Babinski reflex: what it stimulates, what inhibits it and functional difficulties when retained
• Benefits of tactile stimulation in babies
• Functional Neuroanatomy of the cortex
• Palmar reflex: what it stimulates what inhibits it and functional difficulties when retained
History – what questions to ask, causative factors for developmental delays
• Hemispheric Stimulation
• Rooting & Suck reflex: what they stimulate what inhibits them and functional difficulties when they are retained
• Babkin reflex
• Interoception and the Insular Cortex including therapeutic options
• Functional Neuroanatomy of the Pons and Medulla including significance of the gut-brain axis
• Functional Neuroanatomy of the Mesencephalon and the Moro Reflex
• Fear Paralysis reflex and Polyvagal Theory
• Trauma and its effects on the developing brain
• Developmental Neuropsychology and Attachment styles
Module III - 4 days
Understanding and Developing the Cerebellum and Vestibular System
• Importance and effects of Vestibular activity / stimulation in Brain Development
• The Primitive and Postural Reflexes modulated by the cerebellum: Tonic Labyrinthine reflex, Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Symmetrical Tonic Neck reflex, Spinal Gallant Reflex and Amphibian Reflex. Each of these will be considered including what it stimulates, what inhibits the reflex and functional difficulties when it is retained
• Developmental landmarks with research
• Interventions for each of the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex, Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Spinal Gallant Reflex and Amphibian Reflex. Each will be done as a separate practical where the reflex is demonstrated then performed by everyone and reassessed, interventions will cover the different developmental stages of each reflex so you should have a therapy appropriate to each child you see
• Putting it together, integrating cerebellum and vestibular exercises with the primitive reflexes unilateral or bilateral.
• Bilateral Integration – aiding learning through more complex movements, visual and auditory processing
• Demonstrations and practicals with some of the more useful equipment to engage children and assist their brain development
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
Krakowska 68
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Miesto kurzu
Dwór w Tomaszowicach
32-089 Tomaszowice
Dodatočné informácie:
Vydanie 1
Platba zálohy | 200 EUR | |
Module I - 4 days 09.05.2025 – 12.05.2025 (Darren Barnes - Heath) | 800 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Module II 02.08.2025 – 05.08.2025 (Darren Barnes - Heath) | 800 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Module III - 4 days 13.11.2025 – 16.11.2025 (Darren Barnes - Heath) | 600 EUR | Umiestnenia |
Máte záujem?
Zaregistrujte sa teraz a získate prístup k tréningovým materiálom!
1) správcem Vašich osobních údajů je společnost SYNTONIC Dawid Kasolik ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19, 32-650 Kęty. NIP: 549-236-83-97
2) Vaše osobní údaje budou zpracovány za účelem navázání kontaktu na základě: Čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. f obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů ze dne 27. dubna 2016 (RODO) jako oprávněného zájmu správce
3) příjemci Vašich osobních údajů budou výhradně subjekty oprávněné získat osobní údaje pouze dle platných právních předpisů a také subjekty zabývající se zpracováním údajů
4) Vaše osobní údaje budou uchovávány po dobu 3 let
5) máte právo požadovat od správce osobních údajů přístup ke svým údajům, tyto údaje zneplatnit, odstranit nebo omezit rozsah jejich zpracovávání, jakož i právo na převod těchto údajů
6) máte právo podat stížnost dozorčímu orgánu
7) poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, avšak odmítnutí tyto údaje poskytnout může být důvodem pro odmítnutí přijmout přihlášku